- 17 Apr 2023
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AWS Cloud Usage
- Updated on 17 Apr 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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AWS Permissions Documentation
Step 1: Login to AWS Console
Step 2: Click on Services from top Navigation bar and search for IAM
Step 3: Go to Identity and Access Management (IAM) console
Step 4: Go to Policies tab
Step 5: Create new policy by clicking Create policy
Step 6: Add Billing service and give Read permissions
Step 7: We also need to add Cost Explorer Service in this policy, so next step is to click Add additional permissions
Step 8: Now add Cost Explorer Service with Read, write and list permissions
Step 9: Review the policy and give any name to it (For example: billing_policy)
Step 10: Once the policy is created, add a User with the newly created policy.
Step 11: To create a User, click on “User” tab from IAM console.
Step 12: Click on Add user
Step 13: Add the user name and he must have programmatic access.
Step 14: The next step is to add permissions to the user.
Step 15: Select the newly created policy from “Attach existing policies directly” tab
Step 16: Adding tags to a user is optional.
Step 17: Review user details and confirm adding the new user.
Step 18: Once the user is created, it’ll give you the Access Key and Secret Key
Step 19: Next step is to ensure that Cost explorer is enabled for the users
Step 20: Go to “My Account” from the top navigation bar of AWS console
Step 21: Activate the IAM access to billing information
Step 22: The last thing you need to identify is to detect the Default Region of your AWS account. Mostly, the default account is “ US East (N. Virginia) -- us-east-1”.
For more information on how to detect the AWS region, please read https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ManagementGuide/emr-plan-region.html
This completes the process to create permissions and a user for integrating AWS with Genuity. Please note, if you make any changes after the generation of the keys, the integration will not work. Access keys can be obtained from your AWS console by navigating to IAM Service > Users > Select particular user > Security credentials.