Removing a Ticket
  • 27 Sep 2021
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Removing a Ticket

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Article summary

In the normal lifecycle of a ticket, removing a ticket should not be needed. As a ticket is updated with a status from In Progress to Closed, then older tickets will fall away from the normal view. By default, only active tickets are shown in the ticket view. Active tickets are tickets that have a status other than Closed.

In some cases, it is important to archive a ticket. If a ticket Archived tickets do not show up in ticket views, other than specifically under archived ticket filter. Also, archived tickets are not included in reporting. Archived tickets can be unarchived if you have decided that the ticket should be used in reporting, or it is a valid ticket.

If a ticket is added that is truly erroneously added, and you want the ticket completely removed, it can be deleted. Only archived tickets can be deleted, so a ticket must first be archived before it can be deleted. Once a ticket is deleted, it can not be undone. A deleted ticket is gone forever. In essense, it is though that ticket never existed.

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