IP Addresses
- 13 Aug 2020
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
IP Addresses
- Updated on 13 Aug 2020
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
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Genuity's Telecom Management module gives you the ability to simplify your records. Keep a list of your organization's IP Addresses, what telecom service they're linked to, their vendor, and any other notes you might want to add.
Set Up
We highly recommend you add your telecom services and company information before adding any IP addresses. We give you a clear comprehensive overview of your telecom services by linking IP addresses to Locations and Telecom Services- by having that company information filled out, you will have a much smoother experience adding your IP addresses.
➕Importing IP Addresses
➕Manually Adding IP addresses
➕Exporting IP Addresses
➕Editing an IP Address
➕Deleting an IP Address
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